Financial understanding

Real-time financial insight into your salon. VAT returns with one click. Built-in links to accounting and marketing software.

Financial understanding

See at a glance how your salon is doing and make adjustments with real-time reports. Aimy gives you clear insight into occupancy, planned treatments, the results per employee, your turnover and other important data. Aimy also makes bookkeeping super easy. Invoices, cash register receipts and payments via your ATM are booked directly. The VAT declaration is done with just one click of a button. Do you use accounting programs such as Moneybird and Exact, or marketing tools such as MailChimp and ActiveCampaign? Then use the built-in links. Or contact us for a customized link.

The benefits

Icon Real-time insight

Real-time insight

Real-time visibility into key data (including occupancy, scheduling and finances).

Icon VAT return

VAT declaration

Automatic administration and VAT declaration with one click.

Icon Measuring effectiveness and productivity

Measuring effectiveness and productivity

With the handy reports in Aimy, you can optimize occupancy in your salon, including effectiveness and productivity reports.

Aimy is the fastest growing salon software. Start for free and find out why for yourself.

Start for free with Aimy
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